07 June 2008

HS Graduations... New Beginnings...New Challenges


Wow, an online journal. Maybe I'll get it done now.

Today in Gaston County, NC my niece is graduating high school. The sun was beaming down in the bleachers at the small Bessemer City High School. The graduating class was under 90 students. My niece graduated with honors and some scholarships. She plans to attend UNC at Greensboro in the fall.

Later today we will have a cookout celebration at my sister's home in her honor. She deserves it. Cousins from surrounding counties and states have already showed up to be a part. Coming from a family of eight siblings, graduations have always been a big deal in our family and we continue the tradition of acknowledging the graduate with a special gathering each time.

I've decided to give the graduate a gift cash card and a book. The book I'm giving is titled, The Automatic Millionaire : A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich by David Bach. Of course financial riches aren't all there is but it helps one to sail thru life a bit more comfortably. I'm hoping she will use this book to engage some of the principles while she is yet young because it is much easier to amass a fortune starting young utilizing the power of compound interest. We shall see what her outcome will be.

All my life I've struggled with only two things more challenging than people's acceptance of the color of my skin, and that has been my being a woman and the constant threat of poverty. I'd venture to say some of the challenges have led to others on the same list, but I have no time to go deeper into any specifics of that here. I've a celebration to join.


Life is … because it is.

Till next time

Lo the Nightingale Still Sings

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