08 November 2008

On the election of Barack Obama (V2) ... Prose

On the Election of Barack Obama (or Yes I forgive You)

Not even the newscasters
Reporting the results
Had the right words.
Nor the professional commentators.

No one seemed to know
What it all meant.

Still there was emotion.
Bishop T.D. Jakes tried to explain.
Representative John Lewis gave it a shot.
And Vernon Jordan got a word in.

But those of us who knew --- knew.

It was the light in Jessie Jackson’s and my mother’s tears,
It was all welled up in Oprah’s eyes
behind the green she wore at Chicago’s Grant Park.
America had finally had the fortitude
To say “I’m sorry!”
In a way that was unique,
Unexpected, unrehearsed.

And we accepted in a 13 minute speech
Given by our own African son of many soils.
And because of this
We can move on.

We can now rekindle the dream…
(or dig it up if it has been buried too deep)
For our excuses no longer carry validity.
They have been caught up,
Wiped away in a hurricane of change.
(Who was it that said “The revolution will not be televised…”. It was!)

And this morning, just one day out
I awakened to the sound of
Birds chirping, humming a melody.
I thought I heard …
“Yes we can. Yes we can!”

The door to service now opened wide
Grab your share of this “magnet“
Leading to the confirmations
And blessings of the Holy One.

The door, the window,
the possibility,
the hope,
the dream,
the inspiration.

America, if you did not know before
Now you have a glimpse of why immigrants
Flock to your borders, your shores.
They have all seen the potential
You have for greatness.
And everyone wants a slice.

And the pie is huge…
Still those who are deprived of entrance into this oasis,
This melting pot of possibility
Sometimes turn around disappointed,
While others become filled with anger, rage,
Wanting revenge for denied access.

On the morning after the apology we say
“I accept!”…

We accept your apology
Your call for service, for shared sacrifice,
Promising the greater good.

And we watch in wonderment
As you position yourself to receive
Your gift of divine destiny
Allowing you to humbly lead
All nations spiritually, just
As you have dominated the world materially.

We accept
The anointing you have placed on our co-religionist—
The Jews, the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians, Zoroastrians, the Baha’is and all those who profess to know and love and honor God.

We accept
Those who meekly come to your grace,
Seeking love, shelter, guidance and a better way.

Poet Robert Hayden once wrote
“In that great getting up morning…”
In that great gettin’ up mornin’
And surely he intimated this very day
Or at least that is what this feels like to me.
A Great, Great Gettin’ Up Mornin’!

So yes, we celebrate
The unshackling of the chains,
The unraveling of the semi-invisible walls of hate,
Radicalism, diversion and division,
And instead we bathe in this new day
“Immersed in a sea of purification” as we
Let the calming waters of tolerance,
Mutual respect, unity, love and fellowship
Embrace our brown, black, white, yellow and red skins.

As one
We move on …
We serve on …
We unite on …
And yes we can …
We love on…

Finally allowed to get back to the dream … of a King.

2008 © Loretta Crosby. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This is version 2, revised. Formatting lost.

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