Lately that has become my new mantra. And it seems to be serving me well.
So this morning as I am eating my Heart to Heart Kashi cereal with banana, walnuts and rice milk added, I was thinking "it is what it is".
Of course you primarily need such a mantra when things are in array.
Today it was that Progressive Insurance company. You know the company that does all that advertising on TV. Well, I recently got an online quote from them for auto insurance, spoke with a representative, disclosed all the drivers and accident records, etc., and was given a quote. The rate was lower than my policy at the time with State Farm, so I decided to make the switch after being assured that this would be the rate.
Then several days later I get an email giving me my new payment schedule, and the rate had gone up more than 100%. It had more than doubled. I called Progressive to ask why. They said they added the second driver. I told them I had that driver added when I requested the original quote.
So, okay. The new rate is not acceptable so I go back to State Farm, get a rate that is manageable and get a new policy with them. Then I call Progressive to cancel the new policy which is now about 32 days old. They tell me I have to submit a cancellation request in writing.
So I send an email as instructed. Then I get 3 different emails from three different representatives telling me that they need additional info. I respond to one of them. While speaking with the Progressive rep about cancelling the policy, he tells me that I will be charged a $199.81 cancellation fee. So my blood pressure shoots up and I ask to speak to a supervisor.
Spoke to John at ext 712-5586. I ask Mr. John why the fee. He tells me that in the State of North Carolina that they are allowed to charge a percentage of the non-active period of my six-month policy period. I do not argue with John because that will make my blood pressure go up more. I ask John what is that percentage (so I can see if the calculation is correct). John tells me he doesn't have the percentage information. I tell him that is ok since I would not be paying it anyway. I tell him to be sure they send out that bill so that I can let my attorney handle the situation.
I suspect he thought I was bluffing. But after hanging up the phone, about one minute later I get a call from Supervisor John to tell me that I needed to submit my request for cancellation in writing. Hmmmm. Interesting that he neglected to mention that before. In fact, he had said that the policy was cancelled before I got off the phone the first time.
It is what it is.
And I thought to myself, "Those PrePaid Legal attorneys probably get a lot of Progressive work, being the scammers that they are." And I love to keep those attorneys busy. After all they do work for me. Now mind you, this was just a thought. It will not be reality till I get that bill in the mail.
So this is how Progressive can afford all those commercials. How many others have been shafted like that? Given an initial rate and then a new rate within days? How many others would just throw in the towel and accept the rate and keep their new policy just to keep from paying the cancellation fee? How many others?
And, of course, it is what it is.
Knowing what kind of company I was dealing with, I decided I would call Progressive today to be sure the policy had been cancelled so that they don't hit my checking account automatically since today was the due date. Of course I learn that Progressive has not cancelled the policy. The first thing out of the customer service agent's mouth was "it needs to be in writing." Told her it had been done. She does a check and Cynthia at extension 25693 tells me she has cancelled the policy effective 1/27.
But that Progressive story is just a distraction. What I really wanted to share with you is this poem by Rumi which was sent to me by Doreen Banaszak today. It speaks to my new mantra that "It is what it is." See how things synchronize? See how what you tell yourself manifests into reality. This poem came from my new mantra. Hope you enjoy.
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever
comes, because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
- Jelaluddin Rumi (Sufi poet, 1207-1273)
Thanks for righting this article on progressive-ly worst or is it. This is a heads up on being cautious of car insurance providers. I also enjoyed the poem.